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GMAC 2024
Composition Competition
Rules and Regulations for GMAC 2024 Composition Competition
Due Date: October 31, 2024
Division I: 13 & under, up to 3 minutes
Division II: 18 & under, up to 5 minutes
Division III: 19 & above, up to 7 minutes
Prizes: A winner from each category will receive an individual composition lesson from an established composer in the classical field. GMAC will showcase and promote winning compositions on our website, podcast, and social media platforms.
1. Solo compositions must be recorded as a live performance with an acoustic instrument; no electronic or digital music. Ensemble compositions (for two or more instruments) may submit either a live performance with all acoustic instruments or a MIDI file.
2. It can be performed by the composer, or anyone else.
3. Performer can use sheet music.
4. The composition must be original.
5. Scores must be submitted in PDF or JPEG format and can be written in any form of music notation.
6. Submit the video as a Youtube link.
7. The entry fee is $75.